Bullish is regulated by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFIN ID 10162355/ BakNr 162355), the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (CE No BUQ958) and the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (DLT license: FSC1038FSA). Bullish is not yet available in the US. In the UK this is intended solely for HNW Companies and Professional Investors, and no other UK persons. Important info and risk warnings here:bullish.com/legal
Margin trading and trading in derivatives is high risk. Only available to eligible professional investors in select locations. Not available in Hong Kong, Germany, or the United States or to eligible users in Hong Kong, Germany, or the United States. Bullish exchange is jointly operated by Bullish HK Markets Ltd (CE No. BUQ958) and Bullish (GI) Ltd (DLT license: FSC1038FSA). Bullish HK Ltd, which conducts Bullish exchange operations in Hong Kong, is a company incorporated and registered in Hong Kong S.A.R. (Companies Registry BRN: 75733078), with its registered address at 26/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong S.A.R. Bullish (GI) Ltd., which conducts Bullish exchange operations in Gibraltar, is a company incorporated and registered in Gibraltar (company: 119714) with its registered address at c/o Fiduciary Management Limited, Suite 23, Portland House, Glacis Road, Gibraltar GX11 1AA. Bullish (GI) Limited is also a registered non-Hong Kong company in Hong Kong S.A.R (Companies Registry BRN: 75331337), with its registered address at 26/F, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong S.A.R. The Bullish exchange Hong Kong operations are dependent on the operations of other entities within the Bullish Group. Therefore, trading services may become unavailable if there’s any material interruptions of the relevant group entities. BTH a Bullish Group company acts as market maker on the Bullish exchange. Bullish exchange is not available to persons located in the United Kingdom unless they are investment professionals or high net worth entities, as defined in Article 19 and 49 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotions) Order 2005 (as amended). Bullish (GI) Limited is an affiliate of Bullish US Operations LLC, NMLS ID: 2383000. Bullish (GI) Limited is an affiliate of Bullish US Operations LLC, NMLS ID: 2383000. Visit trust and legal for more important information and risk warnings. Imprint Bullish EU Custody GmbH
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